TUTORIAL: Automate your orderings

Our experience shows, that one of the areas with the highest optimization potential in factories is idle time.

Idle time is when your production stops due to a lack of material or a breakdown requiring maintenance or other reasons.

The way to resolve idle time is to have a fully automated work ordering solution connected through Digital Twin. This will help you to run things smoothly and analyze any discrepancies that might occur.

The main use cases are ordering material from the production cell through the tablet, button, or directly connected to the production line patched to the tablet attached to the forklift.

The second is in connected maintenance, where a mobile device is not on the forklift but the maintenance operator has one, and work orders are routed directly to the correct person.

In both cases, the system is very configurable, enabling rule-based routing of the orders and supporting chains of orders so you can connect multiple processes or departments.

You can read more in our blog posts:

Ordering system as an integral part of digital twin

How to start

To start using the Automated Ordering System as an integrated module of the twinzo platform, you need to follow a few simple steps in configuration and installation.

You will need 2 Android devices - one for making the order and a second for order acceptance. 

You can also use dedicated buttons or other IoT hardware, but for that, you’ll need higher technical knowledge and we recommend finding a partner that can help you with the setup.

Install the twinzo Connect app

Once you have your Android devices available, you’ll need to install our application twinzo Connect (tConnect) to those devices. The application is not available on the Google Store and you can find the application and installation instructions HERE 

System configuration

You will need to configure the ordering system properly based on your use case. It does not matter if you want to order a coffee or a multi-stage delivery of in-sequence-picked goods, all can be managed through the system.

Read through our configuration documentation so you can understand different concepts and adapt the flows to your needs.

The documentation is available HERE

What to expect

Ordering systems especially if connected with RTLS systems (read how to install one yourself HERE ) will change the flows from a push system (constant planning) to an autonomous pull system managing itself. The impacts are profound and our customers are completely able to cut idle times from the process, increasing production and decreasing maintenance time significantly.

If you have any issues while configuring the system, feel free to contact us.

in Blog

TUTORIAL: Forklift optimization DO-IT-YOURSELF
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