MSV Brno 2022

04 - 07 October 2022

Place: Brno, BVV Brno

Time: 04 - 07 October 2022

The International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central Europe. The attendance is highly professional, almost eighty percent of the visitors make investment decisions, a third belong to top management.
All key areas of the engineering and electrical engineering industry are represented. Traditionally, machining and forming are the main field.

The main theme of MSV is Industry 4.0 and the digital factory, i.e. digitization of production, one of the main directions of the innovation process. Other highlighted topics include the circular economy - the management of material resources. This is a trend that is one of the priority areas of sustainable development, and the adaptation of industry and trade will go in this direction.

Part of the fair is a top-notch accompanying program consisting of professional conferences, seminars and workshops on current technical, commercial and economic topics.

Link for registration:
Ticket purchase

National Centre for Industry 4.0