5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Industrial metaverse - from vision to reality Why the term “metaverse”? You may be wondering why the term “metaverse” is being used to describe a virtual environment. The reason is simple: it's a term that has been used by science fiction writers... IoT digital twin industrial metaverse smart factory May 25, 2022 Blog
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Tomas Vojtek Business.Digital.NOW! Business.Digital.NOW! is one of its kind gathering of like-minded people who breathe Digital and are on the mission to create a better human-centred digital universe. Our CSO Tomas Vojtek, will be a p... IoT conference digital twin industrial metaverse May 18, 2022 Meet Us
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Tomas Vojtek Global Expansion Conference 2022 Accelerating The Future of Business The conference is focused on how to scale and grow your business beyond the hype of innovation on a global scale. Experts will discuss the roadmap for a collaborati... IoT conference digital twin May 18, 2022 Meet Us
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Tomas Vojtek What is industrial metaverse? There are many complicated explanations of what is the metaverse and that it is the future that will come in 10 years. Truth is, that metaverse is already here, at least in parts. Because #metaverse i... IoT digital twin industrial metaverse localization metaverse smart factory visualization warehouse May 16, 2022 Blog
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško System monitoring Although our age is a digital one, in the end, we still need the real-world materials, tools, and buildings we work and live within. It doesn’t matter if it is a package, machine, factory, or office b... IoT digital twin smart building smart city smart factory visualization May 8, 2022
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics "You're just playing at work!" I listen to this sentence over and over again. As if people do not realize that only they can suffer at work or enjoy it. Do you think that the Czech Institute of Inform... 3d IoT digital twin smart factory May 6, 2022 Meet Us
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Real time localization with Digital Twin Digital Twins can make a crucial difference to the smooth running of a business. They have become an important component of many industries. On top of it with a successful RTLS integration, it can be ... 3d IoT digital twin localization rtls smart city visualization May 5, 2022
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Automated Ordering System At Whirlpool EMEA's Italian plant, we have implemented an innovative internal logistics analysis system combining the latest Industry 4.0 technologies into a complete solution on top of a digital twin... 3d IoT digital twin smart factory visualization warehouse May 3, 2022
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško twinzo - Digital Twin platform An exact 3D Live Digital Twin of your facility. Whether your house, office, factory, or even a whole city (perhaps a space station?). It enables you to have your 3D model on your smartphone, tablet, P... 3d IoT digital twin smart building smart city May 3, 2022
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Digital Twin for smart office For our clients, one of the largest office developers in Europe, we launched a virtual office (digital twin) in their office buildings in London, Bratislava, and Budapest. In addition to the RTLS solu... 3d IoT digital twin rtls smart building smart city visualization May 3, 2022
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Michal Ukropec Digital twins - future trend The digital twin concept originated in the early 1990s, so it is not new at all. In the nearly 30 years of its existence, several definitions of what digital can be were created. While for some it is ... 3d IoT agv digital twin localization rtls smart building smart city warehouse Jan 27, 2022 Blog
5.0 technologies j.s.a., Patrik Paško Expo Dubai 2020 We are very proud to announce, that our spin-off twinzo - Digital Twin will participate in the recent Expo Dubai as part of the exposition in the Slovak Pavilion. Smart cities are not just traffic or ... IoT conference digital twin smart city Dec 5, 2021 Meet Us